Avoiding Road Trip Accidents in Atlanta

One of the most exciting things to do is plan a road trip with friends and family. Road tripping is an adventurous way to catch up with loved ones you don’t get to see often. But, unfortunately, traveling with friends or family doesn’t make you immune to traffic crashes. Sometimes, you may end up needing a car accident lawyer’s help in pursuing a personal injury claim.

Like all other auto collisions, road trip accidents can result in severe injuries and property damage. In some cases, it can become fatal. As such, it’s better to prevent such sad happenings than try to manage a bad after-crash situation.

You can do many things to prepare yourself for a road trip and avoid car crashes. We’ll discuss them in this article. We’ll also elaborate on how you can protect yourself if you’re a victim of a road trip accident.

Why Do Accidents Happen on Road Trips?

The following are the primary reasons for road trip accidents in Atlanta:

  • Speeding

The excitement to reach your destination in time can make you drive beyond the recommended speed limit. However, speeding is extremely dangerous and can make you less responsive to emergencies on the road.

  • Unfamiliar Routes

There’s a high possibility that you’ve never plied your road trip route before. This will make you more at risk of an accident than another driver who uses the same roadway often.

  • Distracted Driving

Using a cell phone and talking with your loved ones as you drive can take your attention off the road. Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of road trip crashes.

  • Vehicle Malfunctions

An unexpected car breakdown in the middle of a road trip can cause a severe auto crash.

  • Driver Fatigue

Driving long hours can make you tired and sleepy when you focus on the road.

How To Prepare Your Vehicle for a Road Trip

Getting your car ready for any trip starts with regular vehicle maintenance and servicing as and when due. Then, just before your journey, do the following to ensure that your automobile is roadworthy:

  • Inspect your battery, belts, and charging system.
  • Check your car lights. That includes the headlights, interior lights, brake lights, etc.
  • Maintain tires. Check for air pressure, tire rotation, alignment, etc.
  • Check your engine oil, transmission fluids, brake fluids, etc.
  • Finally, inspect your wiper blades and ensure that they’re functioning optimally.
  • Pack a roadside emergency kit. Your emergency kit should include first aid kits, flashlights, blankets, disposable cameras, etc.

Essential Tips to Avoiding Road Trip Accidents

Here’s how to prevent causing a collision on your road trips:

  • Plan Your Routes Early Enough and Get Quality Sleep

When it comes to road trips, late preparation is lousy preparation. Also, ensure that you’re well-rested before the journey.

  • Avoid Speeding

Never drive beyond the recommended speed limits, even when the road is free.

  • Don’t Drive at Night

Avoid night trips and dimly lit roads. If you must journey into the night, plan for a hotel sleepover.

  • Avoid Distractions

Don’t drink and drive. Minimize conversations on the road and keep your cell phones away. If you must use your phones, park your car safely at the far end of the road first.

  • Rotate Drivers

If you’re driving a long distance, get other experienced drivers with you. This helps to prevent driver fatigue.

What To Do if You’re in a Road Trip Crash

Even after observing all traffic safety rules and best practices, you can still get into an accident. That’s because you can not trust other road users to be as safety conscious as you are. Obeying traffic rules, however, ensures that you’re not liable for any car crashes that may occur. It also makes you eligible to file a car accident claim.

In such a situation, you can do the following to improve your chances of speedy recovery and maximum compensation:

  • Check for injuries and call emergency services
  • Dial law enforcement
  • Exchange contact and insurance information with the other drivers
  • Take photos and videos of your injuries, property damage, and the crash site. You may also record eyewitness statements
  • Call a car accident attorney

Contact an Atlanta Auto Crash Lawyer Now!

A road trip accident can turn an exciting adventure into a sour one. So as much as you can, try to prevent accidents from happening. However, if someone else caused your traffic collision, don’t beat yourself up. Our Atlanta personal injury attorneys will ensure that you recover everything you’ve lost from the crash—and more.

Schedule a free consultation with an experienced auto accident lawyer at Bethune Law Firm immediately. We are available round the clock to help you fight for justice.